Open-source software application developed by the OHDSI community
ATLAS was created to support the design and execution of observational analyses to generate real world evidence from patient level observational data.
Atlas is an open science analytics platform that can be installed locally within your institution to perform analyses across one or more observational databases which have been standardized to the OMOP Common Data Model V5 and can facilitate exchange of analysis designs with any other organizations across the OHDSI community who have adopted the same open science community standards and tools.
Overview of ATLAS
Researchers can create cohorts by defining groups of people based on an exposure to a drug or diagnosis of a particular condition using healthcare claims data. ATLAS has vocabulary searching of medical concepts to identify people with specific conditions, drug exposures etc.
Cohort Definitions
Cohort definitions is the ability to construct a set of persons who satisfy one or more criteria for a duration of time and these cohorts can then serve as the basis of inputs for all of your subsequent analyses.
Vocabulary Search
Atlas provides the ability to search and explore the OMOP standardized vocabularyto understand what concepts exist within those vocabularies and how to apply those concepts in your standardized analysis against your data sources.
Concept Sets
Concept sets is the ability to create your own lists of codes that you are going to use throughout your standardized analyses so by searching the vocabulary and identifying the sets of terms that you’re interested in you can save those and reuse them in all of your analyses.
Create New Concept Set
Creating a new Concept Set within the ATLAS platform